RaspberryPi | Workshop on Desktop Building, Scratch Programming, Mathematica, Processing & Physical Computing using Raspberry Pi
Imagine making your own computer system!!
Imagine writing your own code for physical computing!!
Imagine controlling your physical devices through your own computer!!
Imagine creating a game on your own computer
Does the above scenario sound like an idea taken from a sci-fiction? Well stop dreaming buddies since
the probability for it to occur is ONE !!!!
Presenting to you RaspberryPi Workshop, wherein students will create their own desktop using RaspberryPi 3. Students will be introduced to basics of computer hardware, terminologies, Scratch Programming, Mathematica, Processing, Physical Computing.
Scratch Programming: Scratch is a visual programming tool which allows the user to create animations and games with a drag-and-drop interface. It allows you to create your own computer games, interactive stories, and animations using some programming techniques without actually having to write code.
Mathematica: Mathematica is a computational programming tool used in science, maths, computing and engineering.
Processing: Processing is all about learning to use code to draw on screen.
Physical Computing: One powerful feature of the Raspberry Pi is the row of GPIO pins along the top edge of the board. GPIO stands for General-Purpose Input/Output. These pins are a physical interface between the Raspberry Pi and the outside world. At the simplest level, you can think of them as switches that you can turn on or off (input) or that the Pi can turn on or off (output).
What is Raspberry Pi ?
The Raspberry Pi is a credit-card-sized computer that plugs into your TV and a keyboard. It is a capable little computer which can be used in electronics projects, and for many of the things that your desktop PC does, like spreadsheets, word processing, browsing the internet, and playing games. It also plays high-definition video. We want to see it being used by adults and children all over the world to learn programming and digital making.
Why Programming ?
It is important for children to learn programming because they should be active producers rather than passive consumers of technology. Children can use technology to shape their world and to solve problems that they or their community may face. And by problems, we don't just mean problems in the field of computer science, but also in art, music, storytelling, and lots of other areas, as we'll show throughout this course. Through programming, children also learn and develop computational thinking skills, such as logical thinking; expressing a task in a clear, precise way; breaking down a problem into components and tackling them one at a time; resilience through spotting and fixing problems; and collaboration, working together and supporting each other. Programming is a great way to develop these skills. And they're also useful life skills for school, hobbies, and future careers.
Topics to be Covered in this Workshop
Day 1
Session I: Introduction about RaspberryPi
1. Introduction about Computer & different hardware.
2. Understanding RaspberryPi 3
3. Introduction about different type of Operating System
4. Basics of Electronics
4.1. Types of Power Supply
4.2. Voltage & Current
4.3. Resistors
4.4. Ohms Law
4.5. LED’s
4.6. IR Sensor
5. Hardware Configuration
Session II: Setting Up Raspberry Pi
- Assembling Different Hardware with Raspberry Pi (Monitor, Keyboard, Mouse, Power Supply etc)
- Loading OS for Raspberry Pi
- Booting Raspberry Pi based System.
- Exploring Raspbian OS
Session III: Scratch Programming
- Introduction about Scratch Programming
- Understanding different tools and functions in Scratch Programming
- Giving Movement to Sprite
- Creating Animated Joke in Scratch Programming
- Creating Maze Solver in Scratch Programming
Session IV: Mathematica
- Introduction to Mathematica
- Programming in Mathematica
- Performing different arithmetic function in Mathematica
Day 2
Session V: Processing
- Introduction to Processing
- Understanding 2D Graphs
- Creating Line using Processing
- Creating Circle & Ellipse using Processing.
Session VI: Physical Computing using Scratch
- Understanding GPIOS on Raspberry Pi
- Project 1: Simple LED Program
- Project 2: LED Blinking
- Project 3: Traffic Light Control.
- Project 4: Integrating Switch & Sensing Input
- Project 5: Controlling LED based on Switch Input.
- Project 6: Integrating IR Sensor & Automated Door Opening System.
Duration: The duration of this workshop will be two consecutive days, with six hours session each day in a total of twelve hours.
Certification Policy
- Certificate of Merit for all the workshop participants from Innovians Technologies.
- At the end of this workshop, a small competition will be organized among the participating students and winners will be awarded with a 'Certificate of Excellence' from Innovians Technologies.
- Certificate of Coordination for the coordinators of the school workshops from Innovians Technologies.
Eligibility: The pre-requisite for joining this workshop is zero. This Workshop is best suited for VII to XII Standard Students.