Smart Automobiles Workshop
Smart Automobiles or Smart Car is an automobile with advanced electronics. Electronics plays an important role in Automobiles. Nowdays all automobiles are equipped with many electronics devices, sensors, actuators etc which gives the proper functioning, safety, reliability, luxury, & smooth working on any automobiles. With the advancement in technology now we have Smart Automobiles available in Industry which will be equipped with Advanced Electronics, IoT Features & Smart Connectivity & decision making capability.
Topics to be covered in Workshop
- Introduction about Smart Automobiles & Connected Automobiles.
- Introduction about IoT-Internet of Things
- Introduction about Industry4.0
- Latest electronics technologies in Automobiles
- Use of Electronics in Automobiles
- Major electronics components & sensors in Automobiles
- Introduction about Electronics & Controllers
- Introduction about Basic Electronics
- Sensors & Actuators
- Starting with embedded systems
- Microcontroller vs Microprocessor
- AVR Microcontroller Programming
- Programming fundamentals ( C language )
- Project 1: Simple LED Program
- Project 2: LED Blinking
- Project 3: RGB Interfacing & Traffic Light Control
- Project 4: IR Sensor, DC Motor Interfacing & Automated Door Opening System for car parking.
- Project 5: Integrating Ultrasonic Sensor & measuring distance
- Project 6: Reverse Car Parking System
- Project 7: Interfacing Bluetooth Module
- Project 8: Control Electronics Devices using Android Smartphone & Arduino
- Project 9: Voice Controlled Command System for Automobile using Android Smartphone Bluetooth.
- Project 10: Smart Headlights System based on day & night.
- Project 11: Car Environment Monitoring System (Monitoring Temp. & Humidity) for Automatic car temperature control.
- Make Electronics Gadget Talk to Internet
- Integrating Ethernet Module
- Project 12: Send Voltage & Analog Data (Car Sensor Data) on Cloud Server
- Cloud Computing
- Communicating with the Cloud using Web Services.
- Cloud Computing & IoT.
- Popular Cloud Computing Services for Sensor Management.
- Cloud Computing
- Project 13: Use Arduino/NodeMCU to Upload free data from Environmental Sensors to Cloud Server.
- Project 14: Remotely control electronics inside the automobile from anywhere across the world.
Duration: The duration of this workshop will be two consecutive days, with eight hour session each day in a total of sixteen hours properly divided into theory and hands on sessions.
Certification Policy:
- Certificate of Participant for all the workshop participants.
- At the end of this workshop, a small competition will be organized among the participating students and winners will be awarded with a 'Certificate of Excellence'.
- Certificate of Coordination for the coordinators of the campus workshops.
Eligibility: There are no prerequisites. Anyone interested, can join this workshop.