RaspberryPi | Workshop on RaspberryPi
What is RaspberryPi ?
The Raspberry Pi is a low cost, credit-card sized computer that plugs into a computer monitor or TV, and uses a standard keyboard and mouse. It is a capable little device that enables people of all ages to explore computing, and to learn how to program in languages like Scratch and Python.
This Workshop is for those who want to learn how to use Raspberry Pi. You will learn in detail about Setting up Pi, Python Language Basics, How to code for Pi, How To Connect with a Network and much more.
Topics to be covered in Workshop
- Understanding and Introduction to RPi
- What is SOC?
- Versions of Raspberry Pi & Their Difference
- Raspberry Pi 3
- Basics of Electronics
- Hardware Description
- Pin Configuration
- OS Installation on SD Card
- Downloading Image
- Study Various Operating Systems Available
- Making SD Card: Formatting and Partitions
- Raspberry Pi SD Installer
- OS Configuration
- Booting Into Desktop
- GUI Version
- CLI Desktop
- Changing Timezone
- Other Options
- Raspi-Config
- Test
- Network Setup
- Setting Up Using GUI
- Setting Up Using Command Line
- Finding Pi’s IP Address
- Connecting with Wi-Fi/ LAN/ Datacard
- Study GPIO Pins
- Libraries Using Git
- Configuring GPIO Pins
- Pi using SSH
- Enabling SSH
- Logging in using Putty
- Run Basic Commands
- Use GPIO
- Linux
- Understanding Linux
- File Structure
- Linux Commands
- Permissions
- Using Python
- Understanding Python
- Condition Statement
- Loops
- Importing Libraries
- Functions
Practical’s Covered
- Basic Python Functionalities
- Using GPIO Pins for Output
- Interfacing a Sensor
- Controlling LED with a Switch
- Home Automation System using Pi
Duration: The duration of this workshop will be two consecutive days, with eight hour session each day in a total of sixteen hours properly divided into theory and hands on sessions.
Certification Policy:
- Certificate of Participation for all the workshop participants.
- At the end of this workshop, a small competition will be organized among the participating students and winners will be awarded with a 'Certificate of Excellence'.
- Certificate of Coordination for the coordinators of the campus workshops.
Eligibility: There are no prerequisites. Anyone interested, can join this workshop.